“The Race” walkthrough

Today I thought I’d take you through the process of creating my painting “The Race”. The inspiration for this painting came from an interview I saw on the BBC website with the guitarist and ferrarista Chris Rea. He was describing his first experience of watching Formula 1 on TV as a child, the Monaco Grand…

This could get interesting…

Ayrton Senna

Today would have been Ayrton Senna’s 57th birthday.

“The Race” limited edition giclee prints

Today I have released limited edition giclee prints of my latest painting entitled “The Race”. It portrays the 1961 Monaco Grand Prix, featuring the Ferrari 156 of Wolfgang von Trips on the downhill section between Mirabeau and the Station Hairpin. This is the famous “sharknose” Ferrari that dominated in 1961 and won the World Championship…

Don’t break the chain

Practising every day is very important. If you practice every day it takes less time to warm up each time. You can pick up right where you left off the day before and your brain is almost immediately in the right place to make new connections, instead of spending time remembering what you learned the…

John Surtees

John Surtees, 500cc motorcycle World Champion 1956, 1958, 1959 and 1960, Formula 1 World Champion 1964 (pencil)


My influences on Pinterest

I love going to art galleries and having a look at the paintings up close. But I don’t think paintings are best absorbed hanging in a gallery. They aren’t meant to be looked at just once, for a few minutes. The problem with an art gallery is that you have to walk away from them…

Hello world!